oh i think i forgot to mention a really weird thing. yesterday at the sunday night market when i was having a massage, aaron and dad went for a coffee... they heard a loud noise coming from the street. some guy on a motorbike must have hit the metal pole of a traffic light. so he lay there on the floor with the traffic light on him, not moving and the scariest part: no one helping him! i was shocked when i heard that! even the two police men who were conpletely unnescessary with their annoying whistle wouldnt give that poor man a hand!! gooooosssshhh... so we asked chris benz about it and he said that thais NEVER EVER help someone who got in an accident. it's bad karma and therefore his or er own fault. he said thais had aboslutelqy no tolerance for drunk ppl driving, which i understand. but hellooooo, this guy did not drive into that pole all by himself!! man i would have run there to help... i mean he could have been dead.
yeah so eventually that guy got up, must have been in immense pain :s
fuck you karma?!
unglaublich, wie en Glaube de gsundi Menscheverstand chan verwirre und eifachs Handle us Nöchschteliebi underdrücke. Was da passiert isch, verschtahn ich au ned ganz, Lila. Grad denn, wemmer a Karma glaubt, sötts doch selbstverständlich si, dass mer hilft, um sis eigene Karma "zverbessere". Im Grund gno isch Karma nüt anders als es eifachs Zämeschpiel vo Ursach und Würkig. Wenn ich also hilfsbereit bin, hett das en Uswürkig (en guete isch z'hoffe) uf mich.. Ja, anderi Länder, anderi Sitte. Bliebt eim nöd viel meh, als das z'reschpektiere.