Freitag, 17. Juni 2011

Florida Facts

Okay für die wo jetzt rein gar nix über Florida wüssed.. here you go:
It's the perfect place to get to know the "american way of life". Sun, beaches, optimism, fast money and happiness :D The Sunshine State!!
Florida is about half as large as Germany and one of the most popular travel destinations. the blue-green sea is just as much a natural attraction as wild aligators and pelicans. oh and mangroves!! who doesnt love mangroves, right? (remember the shrimp farming presentation in geo?? :D)

Florida was found by the Spanish Ponce de Léon (pirates of the caribbean ;)). In 1763 Spain traded Florida for Cuba just to undo that exactly 20 years later. It's very multicultural..but mostly populated by Nicaraguans, Salvadorians and Cubans, not to mention french-speaking Haitians :D

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