Samstag, 25. Juni 2011

Las Vegas Baby!

so after the very last time at walmart in merritt island we drove off to orlando. there we went to the florida mall just like last wednesday after seaworld. dad went through an eye exam and got perception - and sunglasses, both ray ban. we're a ray ban family now haha
 since i bought everything nescessary to survive in the desert (ipad 2. sponsored by my awesome godfather, and a digicam) we were ready to go. dad wanted to show us oldtown orlando to pass the time til we wld go to the airport. lisa, our navigation system girl, got everything mixed up a little so we ended up somewhere completely different than planned. but it was a veeeery nice place. everything looked like the perfect and idyllic american dream there. big white or olive colored houses with columns and porches with rocking chairs on it. typically south! and of course us flags all around us. i think they're all preparing for july 4th. 

we had a painfully boring 5hr flight to vegas (except for when they showed that movie with jennifer aniston and adam sandler), but when we arrived we were thrown into the vegas way of life immediately :D playing slots and commercials eeeeeeeverywhere. 
our hotel was the hampton inn just opposite that pyramide hotel called luxor (fancy thing!!) and wow those beeeeeeds. we slept like babies! or stones. 

now we're already on our way through dusty desert. moving direction death valley (what a lovely name). so just like its name says, everything seems pretty dead here. it cant be more dead. the absolute highlight so far: the dips! gotta love 'em hihi oh and just a moment ago there should have been a huge's dried out. 
we drove past something like a village (there were 3 houses) where apparently some random guy decorated a  hill with pots. i wonder of what use this is to him. oh and a house on wheeeeeels! how cool is that :D 

two hours later. 
first real stop at a supposedly "historical ruin". it's a wall. a single wall. and i can smell the loo from 5m. 
another hour later. 
we just hung around the earth's lowest point (still in death valley, that thing is huuuuuge. bigger than our little switzerland). so we're 282m below sealevel and there's some kinda salt lake, which is also dried out so u can actually walk on salt. and it's so effin hot here! far more than 40 degrees celsius! my hair is burning and the wind feels like ur holding a hair dryer directly into ur face. 
a couple miles further, again in the middle of nowhere, there's even a golf course. it's called "devil's golf course" hahahaha... you wont believe me when i say there's actually someone playing :D i hope his golf (!!) balls dont evapourate before he could play. 

1 Kommentar:

  1. soooo....die blumen vorm verdursten gerettet, den überquellenden briefkasten erlöst, die wäsche grob aussortiert und meinen liebsten über das ferienende hinweggetröstet... und nun komm ich endlich dazu deine spannenden reiseberichte nachzulesen. sehr amüsant, meine süsse! love it!

    unsere ferienwoche war recht unspektakulär, aber umso erholsamer und göttlich-geniesserisch. "hmmm...gnüssisch es au soo..?" gehörte zur standardkonversation und wurde lediglich mit einem seufzenden "mhhh.." beantwortet - schönschönschön.

    Tja und nun sind wir halt wieder da. das alltagsding eben. arbeiten und so. ägh. ich hoffe umso mehr, dass ihr alle jeden tag geniesst und euch auch genüsslich dem süssen nichtstun hingebt!

    miss my kids :(
    love you both! Mom
